cartwrightlaw - December 6, 2024 - Food Poisoning

Food Poisoning: What to Do

Food poisoning can be an unsettling experience, often leaving you wondering: “If I experience food poisoning, what to do?” Knowing the right steps can make a significant difference in managing the situation. Whether it happens after dining out in Discovery Bay or during a backyard barbecue, being prepared to respond effectively is essential. At The […]

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cartwrightlaw - July 18, 2024 - Food Poisoning

Who to Contact if You Find Something in Your Food

Everyday, people experience the uncomfortable aftermath of food poisoning whether they are eating out at a restaurant, a hotel, or in someone’s home kitchen. Symptoms of food poisoning can range from mildly unpleasant to critically dangerous resulting in a trip to the emergency room for treatment.  Understanding how to recognize the common symptoms of food […]

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cartwrightlaw - January 15, 2024 - Consumer Tips, Food Poisoning

Can Coffee Cause Food Poisoning?

Coffee is essential in many homes’ morning routines. There are so many different ways that one can enjoy their coffee, and there are a multitude of places where one can purchase their coffee. When someone is preparing coffee for you, there are many steps that they should be taking to ensure the consumer’s health and […]

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Cartwright - October 11, 2013 - Blog, Food Poisoning

Food Poisoning: What to Do When Your Food Makes You Ill

The announcement this week linking three Foster Farms processing plants in California to a large-scale salmonella outbreak reminds consumers that they need to be vigilant in protecting themselves from food-borne illnesses. Rob Cartwright Jr. and The Cartwright Law Firm have represented many victims of food poisoning, including those poisoned by contaminated food as well as […]

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Our successful case results are a reflection of the values and virtues we believe in and uphold at Cartwright Law Firm. Nothing stops us from pursuing justice on behalf of those who need it.

Robert E. Cartwright Jr.
Founder and Managing Partner

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