cartwrightlaw - September 18, 2024 - Medical Malpractice

Can You Sue a Hospital for Missing a Diagnosis?

Going to see the doctor can be a stressful experience for anyone, but once you do, it is fair to expect that you will be receiving sound and accurate medical advice and treatment. Alarmingly, this is not always the case. Every day, people are misdiagnosed when they are seeking advice and treatment from medical professionals. […]

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cartwrightlaw - July 6, 2024 - Medical Malpractice

Surgical Error Lawsuits

When doctors make significant mistakes during surgery, it can cause serious harm. Many surgical errors are preventable, and when they happen, they can lead to a lawsuit against the doctor or hospital. Experienced personal injury lawyers in Discovery Bay will help you understand your legal options, gather evidence, and pursue compensation for your injuries. Understanding […]

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Incidents that Lead to Wrongful Death Claims

The death of a loved one is a tragedy that is painful to deal with, especially when the death is caused by the fault of another person or entity. In San Francisco, California, if a person is killed because of the fault of another person or entity, then the loved ones who survive that person […]

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Our successful case results are a reflection of the values and virtues we believe in and uphold at Cartwright Law Firm. Nothing stops us from pursuing justice on behalf of those who need it.

Robert E. Cartwright Jr.
Founder and Managing Partner

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