cartwrightlaw - June 21, 2023 - School Injuries, Sports Injuries

Who Pays for High School Sports Injuries?

Sports are an important part of many young people’s lives. While high school sports can build confidence, health consciousness, strength, teamwork skills, and possibly lead to a college scholarship, playing sports can also be risky.  Sometimes, sports injuries happen, and no one is to blame. However, other sports injuries happen due to the negligence of […]

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cartwrightlaw - April 1, 2022 - Personal Injury, Sports Injuries

Is Someone Liable for Your Sports Accident?

Participating in sports is an enjoyable experience that also provides health benefits for those who do. It is also an enjoyable experience for sports fans who come to watch the game live, which can be more enjoyable than watching from the comfort of their homes. Unfortunately, those who participate in sports and even fans watching […]

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Our successful case results are a reflection of the values and virtues we believe in and uphold at Cartwright Law Firm. Nothing stops us from pursuing justice on behalf of those who need it.

Robert E. Cartwright Jr.
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