cartwrightlaw - April 26, 2021 - Personal Injury, Swimming pool accidents

San Francisco Diving Board Injury Attorneys

Representing Victims of Serious Diving Board Accidents in San Francisco One of the favorite attractions at any swimming pool is the diving board. Often, people of all ages wait in line to use the diving board, and it can be a highlight of a visit to a pool. However, everything can change in an instant […]

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Cartwright - January 9, 2020 - Swimming pool accidents

Brain Injuries from Drowning

San Francisco is a beautiful city that invites outdoor fun. Unfortunately, dangerous swim accidents can ensue. While you may think of drowning as being a fatal accident, the truth is that drowning refers to taking water into the lungs, from which victims can be successfully rescued. Sometimes, however, drowning victims (or near-drowning victims) suffer serious […]

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Cartwright - December 26, 2019 - Swimming pool accidents

Swimming Pool Accidents in Hotels

Hotel swimming pools are very inviting when you’re on the road or vacationing away from home – especially if you’re traveling with children. Unfortunately, however, hotel swimming pool accidents happen, and they are often exceedingly dangerous. While hotel pools generally have warning signs posted and may even require you to sign a waiver before your […]

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Cartwright - September 10, 2019 - Swimming pool accidents

Did Your Child Sustain Injuries at the Pool this Summer?

Summertime means fun in the sun, and if there’s a pool around, that’s even better. Swimming pool accidents, however, happen, and they are often extremely serious. Drowning is obviously the most urgent threat, but there are other non-fatal injuries that can cause extreme damage. If your child was injured at a pool this summer, you […]

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Our successful case results are a reflection of the values and virtues we believe in and uphold at Cartwright Law Firm. Nothing stops us from pursuing justice on behalf of those who need it.

Robert E. Cartwright Jr.
Founder and Managing Partner

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