cartwrightlaw - February 15, 2023 - Blog, Uncategorized

Digital License Plates in California

Digital license plates, currently available in Arizona, California, Michigan, and Texas (for commercial use only), are produced primarily by Reviver, which makes the RPlate for individual use and the RFleet plate for commercial fleet use. Reviver has been developing digital plates since 2009. The current version is somewhat customizable and trackable, making renewing registrations a […]

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cartwrightlaw - January 24, 2023 - Uncategorized

How Social Media Can Affect Your Lawsuit?

Reports show that 4.48 billion people currently use social media worldwide, and the average social media user engages with 6.6 various social media platforms. Pew Research Center similarly reported that 72 percent of the public now uses social media, with the most common websites being YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Twitter, and Reddit. Despite […]

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What is the Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress in California?

In California, you can legally claim the intentional infliction of emotional distress (IIED). You could have a case if the defendant’s outrageous conduct causes you emotional distress. The behavior must have been done intentionally or with complete disregard for how it would affect you. These cases usually involve an employer emotionally abusing an employee.  With […]

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Amy Wan - November 17, 2022 - Uncategorized

Wrong Way Driver leaves 2 adults and 3 children dead on Highway 4 Thursday Morning

PITTSBURG, CA – 2 adults and 3 children die in fatal crash early Thursday morning in Contra Costa County near Pittsburg, CA. CHP was alerted to a driver heading the wrong way on Highway 4 around 12:10 am. The driver was in a Hyundai Elantra traveling eastbound in the westbound lanes. The Hyundai driver continued […]

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cartwrightlaw - November 7, 2022 - Uncategorized

What Goes into a Letter of Demand to an Insurance Company?

Someone’s negligence causes some accidents. For example, your car accident could be caused by another driver rear-ending you at a stop sign. You may be entitled to compensation for your losses if you have serious injuries.    To ensure you receive adequate compensation for your damages, it is necessary to send a demand letter to […]

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kate - October 19, 2022 - Truck Accidents, Uncategorized

12 Common Factors of Trucking Accidents in Santa Rosa

Trucking accidents are more common than you might think. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, there are more than 1 million commercial vehicle accidents each year, resulting in approximately 28,000 fatalities and 100 million injuries. These numbers are staggering when you consider that only about 2% of these accidents were due to driver error […]

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cartwrightlaw - October 14, 2022 - Bus Accidents, Personal Injury, Uncategorized

San Francisco MUNI Accidents

The San Francisco Municipal Railway, known informally as MUNI, is San Francisco city and county’s public transportation system. MUNI currently controls a total of 17 trolley bus lines, 54 bus lines, and seven light rail lines. The various MUNI vehicles run in the city’s subway tube, above ground, on two streetcar lines, and on three […]

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kate - September 23, 2022 - Truck Accidents, Uncategorized

Do I Need a Truck Accident Lawyer?

Car accidents are common; almost everyone with a driver’s license has been rear-ended or involved in a fender bender. Because trucks are so enormous, it’s uncommon to strike one and continue your day. You may be entitled to compensation for truck accident injuries and other expenses. 11 Reasons to Hire a Lawyer Following a Truck […]

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Our successful case results are a reflection of the values and virtues we believe in and uphold at Cartwright Law Firm. Nothing stops us from pursuing justice on behalf of those who need it.

Robert E. Cartwright Jr.
Founder and Managing Partner

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