First Aid for Swimming Pool Accidents

cartwrightlaw - May 30, 2023 -
first aid for swimming pool accidents

If you or someone you know has a pool in the backyard, or your family visits the neighborhood pool regularly, you should always remember that accidents and injuries can happen at any time. While many pool-related injuries are emergency situations and require calling 911, some can be immediately addressed and managed using first aid. 

Below are some tips on first-aid for swimming pool accidents to help keep your family safe. If you think you have a pool injury claim, talk to a swimming accident lawyer to learn if you have a case. The Cartwright Law Firm can assess whether someone else should be liable for your or your child’s pool-related injuries.


First Aid Steps at the Pool

You can be relaxing and enjoying yourself at the pool and, suddenly, an accident happens. Someone might slip and fall, hit their head, or even begin to drown. In the event of a swimming pool accident, it is crucial to provide immediate first aid to the injured person to prevent further harm and promote recovery. Below are some essential first-aid steps to take in different swimming pool accident scenarios.


Drowning or Near-Drowning

If a person is drowning or has been rescued from the water after a near-drowning incident, prompt action is vital:

  • Call for emergency medical assistance immediately.
  • Remove the person from the water if they are still in the pool.
  • Check for breathing. If the person is not breathing, begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) immediately. Perform chest compressions and rescue breaths in the ratio of 30:2, repeating until help arrives or the person starts breathing.
  • If the person is conscious and breathing, place them in a recovery position on their side to prevent aspiration of fluids.
  • Continuously monitor their vital signs until medical professionals arrive.

first aid swimming pool

Cuts, Scrapes, and Bruises

Swimming pool accidents can result in cuts, scrapes, and bruises due to falls, collisions, or contact with pool edges or objects in the water. Follow these steps to provide first aid:

  • Clean the wound gently with clean water or a mild antiseptic solution to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Apply direct pressure with a clean cloth or sterile gauze to control bleeding.
  • If the bleeding is severe or does not stop, seek medical attention.
  • For smaller cuts and scrapes, apply an antibiotic ointment and cover the wound with a sterile dressing or bandage.
  • Monitor the wound for signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, increased pain, or pus. Seek medical attention if these signs appear.


Sprains and Strains

Muscle sprains and strains can occur in swimming pool accidents, often due to slips or falls on wet surfaces. Here’s what to do:

  • Help the person move out of the water and to a safe area.
  • Encourage them to rest and avoid putting weight on the injured limb.
  • Apply ice or a cold pack wrapped in a cloth to the affected area to reduce pain and swelling.
  • Use compression by wrapping an elastic bandage around the injured area to provide support and reduce swelling.
  • Elevate the injured limb if possible, keeping it above heart level.
  • Advise the person to seek medical attention for further evaluation and treatment, especially if there is severe pain, deformity, or inability to move the limb.


Eye Injuries

Chemicals, debris, or pool water can cause eye injuries. Here’s what you can do:

  • Encourage the person to rinse their eye gently with clean water for at least 15 minutes to remove any irritants.
  • If an object is embedded in the eye, do not attempt to remove it. Cover the eye with a clean, sterile dressing and seek immediate medical attention.
  • If the eye injury is caused by a chemical, follow the instructions on the chemical’s packaging for first aid, and seek medical help promptly.

Remember, these first aid steps are general guidelines, and it is essential to prioritize the person’s safety and seek professional medical assistance as soon as possible in any swimming pool accident. 


Have the Proper First Aid Supplies

To ensure swimming pool safety, it is important to have the necessary first aid supplies on hand. Below are some essential supplies for first aid by the pool, as recommended by the Red Cross. The quantity of these supplies may vary depending on the size of your pool and the number of people who swim in it, particularly when you have guests over.

  • Absorbent compress dressings 
  • Closure strips
  • Adhesive bandages of various sizes
  • Adhesive cloth tape
  • Finger splints
  • Space blanket
  • Instant cold compress
  • Pair of scissors
  • Roller bandages
  • Sterile gauze pads
  • Triangular bandages
  • Antiseptic wipe packets
  • Antibiotic ointment packets
  • Hydrocortisone ointment packets
  • Aspirin and an alternative to aspirin in case of allergies
  • Breathing barrier with a one-way valve
  • Non-latex gloves
  • Oral thermometer
  • Tweezers

Please note that this is a basic checklist for pool first aid. While most stores offer pre-packaged first aid kits for pools, it is important to choose kits that suit your specific needs. For instance, if you manage a commercial pool facility, you will require a commercial pool first aid kit.


Know When to Call 911 and a Pool Injury Attorney

Despite all of the above advice, some pool injuries are beyond first aid. If you believe there might be an emergency situation, never hesitate to call 911. The injury victim might need life-saving care, and any delays can make their condition worse. 

If you or someone you love suffered injuries at someone else’s pool, whether residential or commercial, you should also seek a consultation with a pool injury lawyer. If the pool owner was negligent in some way, and their negligence led to the accident, then their insurance company should be responsible for all of your injury-related losses. 


Consult with a Santa Rosa Pool Injury Lawyer Today

The Cartwright Law Firm helps families following serious pool injuries, including bringing a  wrongful death claim after a tragic drowning incident. If you need to learn about your legal rights and options regarding a pool accident, reach out to our office today for a free case evaluation. Our swimming pool accident attorneys are ready to help. 

Our successful case results are a reflection of the values and virtues we believe in and uphold at Cartwright Law Firm. Nothing stops us from pursuing justice on behalf of those who need it.

Robert E. Cartwright Jr.
Founder and Managing Partner

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